On the back cover of the Martial Arts World Book Vol. 5;
The Martial Arts World Book is a successful publication dedicated to highlighting
masters and grandmasters, professional martial artists and also those involved in the
martial arts community. It features a variety of martial arts systems and their
backgrounds, including their masters and instructors.
This issue is published worldwide with over 80,000 copies in circulation, distributed in
countries such as Japan, USA, Thailand, China, India, Pakistan and many more.
It is a great honour that the pictures of Grandmaster Mehdi Zand are featured both on
the front and back cover of the latest issue, as well as an article within the book
covering his system and his martial arts background.
He would like to say, “I have respect for all masters and grandmasters and those that
teach the martial arts and its disciplines around the world. I am grateful to be part of
this community.
Also I would like to thank the entire team that helped to publish this book.”