The Culture of Thought

Zxavian Philosophy

The role of philosophy is to analyse and find solutions to improve the human condition and circumstances. Here I present what I believe can be a revolutionary concept for self-transformation.
I call it, The Zxavian philosophy or Unity Restored.
Human conflict has scarred our history from the very beginning. Only the threat of total destruction in the nuclear era has forced politicians to apply diplomatic methods to overcome differences between nations.
What is at the heart of our species that does not allow us to find peace within ourselves or with others?
This innate human predisposition is at the root of so many of our problems, some are obvious, many are not.
Unless we find a way to obtain personal and collective unity, humanity will always be chained to a cycle of life which does not allow us to evolve to a higher level of consciousness.
The Zxavian philosophy reveals the cause of inner conflict and presents a specific method to overcome this issue and if properly applied, I believe its potential to create change is immeasurable.
It will eliminate the internal battle of the self, resulting in freedom of the soul and ultimately world peace.
I now invite you to read this book, hopefully you can find your own path to inner harmony and personal liberation.

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